• Vic: Short for “Vehicle”
  • AT: Anti-Tank
  • AA: Anti-Air
  • AP: Anti-Personel
  • AO: “Area of Operations” which generally refers to the town being currently targeted
  • AI: “Artificial Intelligence” or a computer player
  • CP: “Command Points” the money in Warlords
  • CLS: “Combat Life Saver” soldier that can heal a player to 100% health
  • UAV: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
  • Capping: When capturing a town a progress bar is shown once the incoming team has superior power over the defender. The time while the progress bar is showing is referred to as “Capping” which is short for “Capturing”
  • BLUEFOR: The blue team
  • OPFOR: The red team
  • GREENFOR: The green team which is controlled by the server